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4 Reasons To Hire A Commercial Carpet Cleaning Service in 2020

In many ways, commercial carpet cleaning is even more important than residential carpet cleaning, although they both should be cleaned regularly. Office building carpets receive much more traffic than the average residential carpet. Most offices utilize high-traffic commercial carpeting which greatly reduces the appearances of dirt and stains and helps resist wear and tear from heavy traffic.  However, any type of spills or stains can quickly give the office an unprofessional feel. With much more stress on the carpet, commercial carpet cleaning is necessary at least twice per year.

For a business to look professional, their office and carpet must look professional as well which is where commercial cleaning carpet services come in. Fay’s Affordable Carpet Cleaning has a team of professionals for your commercial carpets and other commercial cleaning needs.

commercial floor cleaning

We examine high traffic businesses on a daily basis and can confidently provide you not just the best commercial carpet cleaning, but commercial tile cleaning, and hardwood floor cleaning as well. Cleaning the carpet and flooring thoroughly will ensure a uniform look and contribute to the important aesthetics of your business. Here are some reasons to consider calling a professional carpet cleaning service:

Manage customer’s first impressions

First impressions are everything for new customers. The cleanliness of your facility is your first opportunity to snag a customer or client, and believe it or not, floors are often the first place people notice in your business. Customers can easily interpret dirty flooring as a reflection of the services provided. Unsatisfied customers can quickly decide to take their business elsewhere. Hiring a professional and affordable commercial carpet cleaning service can aid in customer retention and boost your clientele.

Save you hassle

Commercial carpet cleaning will improve the durability and longevity of your flooring, saving you future installation hassle and money. We will maintain the high cleanliness standard of your flooring to extend the life of your carpets, so you don’t have to replace them before you need to! Regular office cleanings also take a workload off of your employees’ regular schedules to allow them more time in the day to complete that upcoming presentation.

Increase employee productivity

Hiring a professional isn’t just a monetary investment, it’s an employee investment. Studies show that employee productivity rates increase with cleanliness. Clean workspaces equal productive workspaces. A clean office is a sure way to boost the energy in your business.

Prevent health issues

Dust, allergens, and other particles can easily accumulate in a neglected workplace. A cleaner office means fewer sick days. An unclean carpet can affect your employees’ health and they won’t be able to give you their best work. Not what you want, right? Since prevention is more effective than a cure, it’s far wiser to prevent health problems than struggle to address them when they arise.

Final Thoughts

Commercial carpet cleaning in Rockford and surrounding areas requires tools that only professionals use. Professionals such as Fay’s Affordable Carpet Cleaning, use unique tools necessary for the care of your carpet and floors that most homes and businesses don’t have on hand. Among these are soil removing products that contain a very limited amount of chemicals as to not damage the flooring and of course our top-of-the-line truck-mounted cleaning equipment. 

Vacuuming regularly is a simple technique to keep your carpets looking clean, but eventually, all carpet needs a professional. We have the expert knowledge and skill to create the clean, professional, productive, and healthy workplace you desire. With top quality commercial cleaning, any business can benefit from hiring an office, restaurant, retail, or general commercial cleaning service.Contact Fay’s Affordable Carpet Cleaning to schedule your commercial cleaning today!

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