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How Often Should Carpets Be Cleaned: 6 Reasons To Get Them Cleaned Every 6 Months

This is an age old question that many people find themselves researching. The short answer is that you should schedule professional carpet cleaning every six months. However, the long answer is that there are many benefits that will ultimately reinforce the reason why you should clean your carpets every six months. In addition to providing aesthetic value to your home, regular affordable carpet cleaning also delivers tremendous hygienic value as well. For that reason, we have put together an article of six disturbing reasons why your carpet should be cleaned every six months.

The Accumulation Of Dead Skin & Human Debris

This is maybe one of the most impactful reasons for you to hire professional carpet cleaners every six months. Many of us don’t realize how much hair, skin and other human debris can accumulate within the follicles of your carpet. As humans, we constantly shed skin cells that can accumulate in our bodies. If you had a microscope to view all the things harboring in your carpet, you wouldn’t think twice about cleaning the carpet every six months.

Dogs And Other Pets

If you’re a pet lover, then you know how much animal hair can accumulate in a short amount of time. In addition to animal hair, they also shed skin and other pieces of dirt from their body just as humans do. However, when it comes to your pets, they also harbor nasty pests like ticks and other worms that can take refuge within your carpet. Regular professional carpet cleaning will ensure that your carpet remains free of any unwanted parasites that may be calling it home.

Keeping Your Children Clean & Healthy

If you have children in the home, you know how easily it is for them to get sick and infected. Because carpet has fibers which collect dust and dirt from all over the house, it’s easily stirred up when your children run or crawl on the carpet. This can help agitate allergies and even cause infections when coming in contact with open areas of the skin. Doctors recommend a regular routine of carpet cleaning if you have kids because you want to keep them as far away from as much dirt and debris as possible.

Two Girls Petting Dog On Clean Carpet

The Accumulation Of Heavy Metals

People don’t realize how many heavy metals actually reside in the dirt and dust from soil. Things like lead, lithium, arsenic and cadmium can make their way from the outside world into your home and deep into the carpet. Because the carpet is such an intimate area of the home, it’s very easy for these heavy-metals to be transferred into your body. Once heavy metals work their way into your system, they accumulate within your fatty tissue and stay there for decades until they eventually cause harmful side effects

Pesticides and Herbicides

Constantly moving from in and out of your home can also bring in pesticides and herbicides from the outside environment. This means that you are putting yourself and your family at risk from inhaling or ingesting harmful pesticides and herbicides not meant for human consumption. A professional carpet cleaning will completely remove any pesticides residing on your carpet.

Byproducts of Daily Living

Normal activities like cooking, burning candles, smoking cigarettes, using the gas heater and others can cause harmful byproducts to accumulate within the carpet. Your carpet fibers are very efficient at accumulating these byproducts and regular vacuuming and cleaning isn’t enough to rid your home of them.

The amount of stuff in your carpet can be disturbing to think about, but now you have six reasons why you’ll want to professionally clean your carpet every six months and we’ll be ready when you are. In between those six months, we recommend regular vacuuming and cleaning. This will help rid your home and carpets of much of the contaminants while helping extend the life of your carpets and improving the air quality in your home.

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